Wednesday, November 17, 2010

cardboard sleding on vashon island a long time ago,before GALYN!!!!!!!!!

An Angel asleep

In the last dark hour

Of the night,

Angels come to love us

And awaken us.

Shopping Excursions

Jarah and Surana get ready for Boston complete with tartan flannel jammies, black cotton vests and neon pink Van sneakers.

Here we come....

Oma meet Bloggers-Bloggers meet Oma

A most influential person in my life and heart...always and now

Vielen, vielen dank Oma, Du fehlst mir

And then there was Halloween

Catching Up

Long time no write....Fall Sweet Fall

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness

close bosom friend of the maturing sun

The fall found us at Lego Brick builder conferences, camping on Whidbey with-yes, Galyn's preschool and bats, knitting fiesty hats, baking sugary pies and inviting a new musical guest to our home. Can you guess who is looking forward to playing Fur Elise?